Why Are Real Estate Postcards So Effective?

1/4/2023 by Justin

Why Are Real Estate Postcards So Effective?

Over the last two decades, our world transformed from a largely analog space to almost entirely digital. But that doesn’t mean that some of our more old-fashioned methods have stopped working. For example, direct mail marketing, especially real estate postcards, is still one of the most powerful tools in an investor’s arsenal.

It is no secret that people are addicted to their smartphones. The average person spends hours every day looking at their devices. In 2023 a person can do an entire day’s worth of work from a tiny phone screen. With technology all around us, it is logical to think that the only way to get someone’s attention is through their screen. But that is wrong.

In a constantly changing world, we are all still checking the mail every day the same way we have been for decades. As long as mail is delivered, people will take time to flip through it. So why be one of hundreds or thousands in someone’s email inbox when you can be one of 5 or 10 in someone’s actual mailbox?

Less Competition

An effective marketing strategy is one where you can make your brand stand out. Trying to appeal to property owners through social media or email marketing is necessary. Still, it will only bring in the interest or number of real estate leads your business needs to grow if you spend a lot of money. There is too much competition.

If you are looking for a way to get your business in front of homeowners, the old-fashioned way is best, with social media and email marketing in a supporting role. The value in sending real estate postcards is that there is much less competition. This dramatically increases the chances that your message will be read and digested. Sending mail directly to someone’s address when you are interested in purchasing their property also feels more personal.

Most companies are not investing a significant portion of their marketing budgets in direct mail marketing. This means they are sending fewer mailers, so mailboxes do not fill up as quickly as email inboxes.

Concise And Eye-Catching

If you are designing a marketing campaign, you want to maximize the chance someone will either read your message or at least digest your branding. One of the easiest ways to do this is with a real estate postcard. Postcards, in particular, are concise and do not require someone to open an envelope. In addition, the ease of deliverability makes it almost impossible that someone won’t retain one aspect of your postcard, even if they look at it for 2 seconds before throwing it away.

Postcards are inherently visual, small, and familiar. It takes much less time to interact with a postcard than any other type of mail. Postcards work great for an initial campaign to reach out to a new list of homeowners, followed by a letter to provide more information. Postcards are versatile and can be used for any real estate investing campaign.

Fast And Affordable 

Not only are real estate postcards eye-catching and tactile, but they are also very affordable and can be put into production quickly.

Direct mail marketing is affordable, with postcards being the lowest-cost option. Postcards are small and do not require an envelope, making them more accessible and cheaper to produce. In addition, using a company specializing in direct mail marketing, like Open Letter Marketing, makes setting up and managing campaigns incredibly easy. Gone are the days of ordering postcards and tediously mailing them yourself! Instead, you can set up a multi-touch campaign with professionally designed postcards in minutes.

Look Professional

First impressions are essential! If you are looking to introduce your real estate investing business to a new neighborhood sending out a postcard campaign is the way to go! Unlike digital ads, which require graphic design experience, you can create a professional-looking, branded postcard in minutes using pre-made templates. At Open Letter Marketing, you can choose from a series of templates crafted for your specific message and add your branding to complete the message, or you can get a custom-designed postcard.

Final Thoughts

If you are a real estate investor looking to change prospects into leads, consider a good, multi-send postcard campaign to drive your marketing efforts. Postcards are a great way to get your business in front of the right people with targeted messages. Make sure you always design a campaign that includes more than one touch. Let’s start building that relationship with your first campaign!

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