OCTOBER 28, 2021

Would you continue to sink money into repairs on a vehicle that constantly has something new go wrong? Probably not. So, why would you continue to invest money into leads that aren’t getting results?...

Why You Should Use Tracking Numbers with Your Marketing
OCTOBER 4, 2021

If you’ve appreciated the OLM Autopen letters, you’re sure to be impressed with the Autopen postcards. These postcards are simple to use and are presorted and mailed through USPS directly, so you don’t have...

Check Out the Autopen Postcards from OLM
JUNE 14, 2021

The United States is in a unique position, one that hasn’t been seen for decades. Lumber has nearly tripled in price while inventory for buyers is almost nonexistent. As with any situation, change is...

The State of the Economy and Your Marketing
MAY 3, 2021

Data is critical to the success of your real estate direct mail marketing efforts. When you have incorrect data, your marketing efforts will fail. Here are a few strategies to apply with Excel data...

The Importance of Excel Data Columns for Your Marketing
APRIL 26, 2021

You’ve probably seen those handwritten letters, maybe even used them with your own leads. The letters use a handwritten font to send a personalized message to homeowners. Open Letter Marketing’s newest product takes this...

What You Should Know About Auto Pens
APRIL 19, 2021

Think about how many pieces of mail go out each year to the same prospects. Yours isn’t the only message being sent to your intended audience. If you want to stand out from the...

Separate Yourself from the Competition with OLM’s Unique Direct Mail Marketing Products
APRIL 12, 2021

Every lead is valuable, which is why you never want to dismiss any that are on your lead lists. However, some leads are more likely to convert – or at least sooner than others....

Learn More About Types of Lead Quality
MARCH 26, 2021

2020 was an unprecedented year. Unfortunately, many of the problems of last year haven’t magically disappeared for 2021. You may wonder if you should continue your direct mail marketing efforts this year. Real estate...

Continue Your Real Estate Direct Mail Marketing into 2021
MARCH 24, 2021

As a real estate investor, you’re always in the market for new strategies to help you gain more clients and improve your leads. The ROS Product from Open Letter Marketing is another option to...

What is the ROS Mailer and Why Do I Need It?
MARCH 22, 2021

Did you know that over 5.3 million homes were sold in 2019? That information is according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR). An even more important question for you is how many of...

Proper Data Hygiene