J Scott – Open Letter Marketing Testimonial

11/18/2019 by Justin

J Scott – Open Letter Marketing Testimonial

J Scott – Open Letter Marketing Testimonial

We always love hearing from our customers, so you can imagine how thrilled we were to hear from none other than J Scott! Listen in to learn about the success J has found with us here at Open Letter Marketing.

J Scott is an entrepreneur, investor, advisor, and co host of the BiggerPockets Business Podcast. He has completed over 400 deals since 2008, including flipping, buy-and-hold, multi-family, notes, lending, development and new construction.

J is the author of four books on real estate investing, including “The Book on Flipping Houses,” “The Book on Estimating Rehab Costs,” and “The Book on Negotiating Real Estate.” He has helped investors around the world get their start in real estate with his popular website 123Flip.com.

Check out the BiggerPockets Real Estate Podcast to hear J featured on episodes #10#63#311, and #321

Follow J using the links below!


If you have had a positive experience with Open Letter Marketing that you would like to share, please feel free to send your testimonials to info@openlettermarketing.com

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