Tips to Help You Create a Strong Multi-touch Campaign

7/16/2019 by Justin

Tips to Help You Create a Strong Multi-touch Campaign

A single mailer in your direct mail campaign may provide results some of the time, but often it will just get tossed in the trash if not followed up. Even a second mailer may not yield the desired results you’re looking for. Statistics show that it can take four, five or even more mailers before a prospect will contact you. However, a strong multi-touch campaign can help you turn prospects into sellers.

Set Your Goal

You know your end goal is to get homeowners to sell their houses to you under market value, but what is the exact purpose of your marketing campaign? Are you trying to get them to pick up the phone and call for more information, email you, or take some other action? Know your goal as you design your campaign, so that you can channel your message to focus on one goal and your targeted call to action. 

Have a Complete Marketing Plan

A single point of contact rarely creates any results. It takes multiple touches and reminders to get people to trust you enough to do business with your company. You need to decide how you will reach out to them and how often. Many people incorporate online and offline marketing as part of their strategy. Perhaps you can add email messaging and ringless voicemail to your direct mail. Everything you do should be part of an overall plan. 

Timing is Everything

You must determine how often you want to follow-up with your leads. Too frequent and you risk becoming a nuisance. Not often enough and they forget about you. When searching for real estate leads, it’s important to note that selling a home is a major decision that someone may not make for several months. It is all about timing and circumstance so you want to continue mailing so that when they are ready to sell you are the first person to come to mind. The frequency we recommend is sending a new mailer once every 4-5 weeks. This is the direct mail sweet spot and it can all be automated for you. 

Tip: Subtly refer to your previous letter in your follow up “Hi Sarah, I am still interested in purchasing your property” This reminds them that you have mailed to them before and helps them re-engage with your mailer. 

Always Have a Call to Action

Even if you’re just touching base and not trying to oversell your services, you need to include a clear call to action. It might be something as simple as “If you have questions about the process of selling your home, give us a call.” It’s valuable to provide helpful information, but your goal is to convert your leads. Don’t let them get lost in a maze of information without reminding them of your business. You can also let them know to hold on to the mailer if they may be interested in selling in the future. 

Tip: Make sure to use one clear and concise CTA so that they aren’t left with too many decisions. Read more about call to actions here!

Change up Your Mailers

You don’t want to send the same mailer for your multi-touch campaign over and over again. Instead, it’s a good idea to change up the type of mailer you send out. Otherwise, the recipients may just toss out the second and third mailers, thinking they are the same thing. For instance, you could send out a handwritten letter in the beginning and switch to a professional letter for the second touch. Some people will respond better to one type of mailer which makes it easier for you to reach more demographics and cover all of your bases. 

To take a look at our tried and tested multi-touch campaign sequences give us a call at (978) 269-0245 or email at

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