Listsource: What Is It and How Should I Use It?

4/2/2020 by Justin

Listsource: What Is It and How Should I Use It?

As a real estate investor, you’re always looking to find new prospects. Finding leads can be time-consuming. Find quality leads can be even more challenging. For this reason, tools like Listsource can help you focus more on converting leads instead of finding them.

What is Listsource?

Listsource is a resource that provides investors with specific leads from homeowners and property owners. You can build lead lists that are targeted to the area you specialize in. You can choose to get a quick list or to create a custom list based on specific criteria. For example, a company selling home warranties might target new homeowners who have owned their properties for less than a year. A real estate investor may be looking at homes where the owners have at least 50 percent equity.

How Should You Use Listsource?

If you’re looking to buy properties, you can use Listsource to create lead lists for absentee property owners or homes in foreclosure. You can narrow it down by location and other criteria to ensure you’re only marketing to leads that meet your goals.

When you establish an account, you can begin building a list. You can sift through the 13 quick lists to find one that fits your needs or build your own list. You start with geography to let the database know where you want to target your list. You can define your list by characteristics of the property, mortgage information, demographics and foreclosure details. You can also narrow the list down by owner-occupied status, corporate-owned properties and other criteria.

You only pay for your list after you have built it and found out the number of items in your list. When you purchase your Listsource subscription through OLM, you get these leads at a highly discounted rate of 3.5c per. You can save your list at any time and store search parameters. Once you have bought the list, you can export it as csv, txt, dbf or xls. This makes it easy to submit the list to Open Letter Marketing to build mailers to send to those property owners.

If you want to know more about using Listsource and those lists to build a multi-touch campaign, contact Open Letter Marketing at 978-269-0245 or

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