How You Can Benefit from List Scrubbing

8/28/2019 by Justin

How You Can Benefit from List Scrubbing

List scrubbing is an important part of any marketing campaign. If you’ve never considered this service, you may not realize how much money you’re wasting with your direct mail and how much you could save in the future.

This service scrubs lists for the following:

·         Vacant Mailing Addresses

·         Addresses where the Owner is Deceased

·         Apartment Append – missing apartment number at an address

List scrubbing provides light skip tracing services, which is included in forwarded mail.

List Scrubbing is Cost Effective

Scrubbing saves you money if you are sending your mail standard class because you won’t get the returned mail sent back to you. Instead, with list scrubbing you can remove that address before you begin the campaign.

List scrubbing is also extremely cheap. Our service is $15 per 1000 records. Once you’ve removed all the bad addresses, you can batch trace to get new leads. If you take the time to track them down, those addresses become valuable leads for you because most people don’t take that extra step to find alternative mailing addresses..

Many businesses send their campaigns through first-class mail, which automatically returns the mail if it isn’t forwardable. This is a valuable option for timing and gathering returned mail but if you are working on a budget standard postage in combination with list scrubbing is a great start. When you combine standard mail with list scrubbing, you get the benefits of first-class mail without footing the additional cost.

List Scrubbing is an Ongoing Process

Even after you begin your campaign with list scrubbing, you’ll want to keep it up. People move to new locations or they pass away, which means your addresses are no longer accurate. You’ll need to scrub your list on a regular basis because your list is the foundation of your direct marketing campaign. You want your list to be crisp and clean and not contain outdated information.

If you’re involved in real estate marketing in a big way with the goal of growing your business exponentially, you want to make every dollar count. List scrubbing is a critical part of any marketing campaign when you don’t want to waste effort and you want to see results.

Contact us today to learn more about how list scrubbing can benefit your business or any of our other services. Reach out at (978) 269-0245 or email us at

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